
Test Pattern Generator

So a while back I made a script which would generate a user defined test pattern for small circuits (or rather for small number of input combinations). The program gets the inputs as small chunks defined by the user (such as all ones, all zeros, one-hot, defined binary numbers etc.). I later use Itertools for making …


Simulator that does a bit more. I did a project a while back in May 2015. You can find the link to the project here. Back then I was thinking about making a simple scheduler for NoC based SoC. but it went a bit further and now turned into a simulator that also keeps a …

The Processor (Part III)

From Harvard to von Neumann The CPU initially had Harvard architecture; with a RAM for data and a ROM for instructions. During the process of development I figured that both of these memories are more or less acting like local cache for the actual memory. Since each memory responds in 1 clock cycle. So if …

The Processor (Part II)

Some updates about processor! I just finished implementing 67 instructions (not tested all of them obviously!). And these instructions are not covered: floating point stuff Co-processor stuff Atomic Read-Modify-Write BREAK and WAIT Anything Cache related Trap instructions Also, Division is implemented using “/” and “mod”. These are not synthesize-able and also for division I’m not …

The Processor (Part I)

Some time ago I made (in VHDL) a rather stupid processor with very limited instruction set which I called  pico-CPU. You can find it under pico_CPU folder in  pico-CPU repository on github.  The point back then was to make something for a course ( the course was called Digital Systems Modeling and Synthesis). Later on i started …