

For a long time i wanted to have a personal dashboard where i can track things i do, my mood, have some sort of journal, a todo list and some other things. i couldn’t find anything online that would fit my need. Also i liked to have it under my own control, not on someone’s …

LaTeX workshop

Im very excited to announce that next week Im conducting a LaTeX hands-on workshop organized by Women In Engineering affinity group in Tallinn University of Technology’s IEEE student branch. It’s becoming a tradition for me. I have done it twice before. Every year I try to provide this workshop for students who would like to …

Space Invaders

This is a short post. Mostly because it’s not something complicated. Anyways…Today I wrote some small space invaders-ish program in python. You can find the code for it here. I’m trying to get the hang of curses. Here is what it ended up to be:

Game of life

I always wanted to write game of life but never had time. So this week I wrote it in python. Here you can find the code. Its probably not the easiest way or most strait forward but its the first version. I wrote it in half an hour maybe. I eventually spent quite some time …