For a long time i wanted to have a personal dashboard where i can track things i do, my mood, have some sort of journal, a todo list and some other things. i couldn’t find anything online that would fit my need. Also i liked to have it under my own control, not on someone’s …
I have been trying to do different things in NoC and one thing led to another and now I’m doing security research. The first thing we tried to accomplish is to consider the idea of all the micro-architectural attacks on processors such as meltdown and spectre. If you analyze how they work, you get to …
I have had a bad week trying to do some bar-graph using Tikz. There are a couple of solutions around. I wanted something simple, without too much tweaking since I’m not that good at Tikz. I recently started playing with it and unfortunately I don’t have a rigid learning plan with it. Anyways… here is …
I was recently working on this paper where we had this large tables filled with numbers. I usually don’t get a feeling from this and need some visual aid in order to comprehend what is actually happening. One of way is to implement the heat-map background coloring. this made me (and hopefully the readers in …
Yesterday I had the 2nd LaTeX workshop and finally we covered all the topics we planned. Here are the slides for both workshops, just in case you want to check them out: Workshop 1 slides Workshop 2 slides
I made a customizable Pie-Chart generator in LaTeX for a paper i was writing based on this example. With this one, you can choose the color for each portion. Here is how it looks: You need the following packages in your document preamble: \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikzlibrary{calc} Bellow is the LaTeX code for chart. I marked …
Im very excited to announce that next week Im conducting a LaTeX hands-on workshop organized by Women In Engineering affinity group in Tallinn University of Technology’s IEEE student branch. It’s becoming a tradition for me. I have done it twice before. Every year I try to provide this workshop for students who would like to …
This is a short post. Mostly because it’s not something complicated. Anyways…Today I wrote some small space invaders-ish program in python. You can find the code for it here. I’m trying to get the hang of curses. Here is what it ended up to be:
I always wanted to write game of life but never had time. So this week I wrote it in python. Here you can find the code. Its probably not the easiest way or most strait forward but its the first version. I wrote it in half an hour maybe. I eventually spent quite some time …
A while back in late 2016/early 2017, we faced the following problem: Let’s assume you have a set of online concurrent checkers (regardless of how they are generated!), and you want to deploy a subset of them (which can be as big as the original set) on a chip. You have two factors; Fault coverage …