
For a long time i wanted to have a personal dashboard where i can track things i do, my mood, have some sort of journal, a todo list and some other things. i couldn’t find anything online that would fit my need. Also i liked to have it under my own control, not on someone’s server. So anyhow, recently i made a prototype of it (you can find it here) . Its super simple. I used Flask for server, Jinja to communicate to the HTML/JS, and made a simple frontend. you can login and change theme etc.

I’ve a couple of things to do, first i need to move to React. It’s going to make my life much easier. currently I’m struggling to keep everything under control. I need to add a couple of important functionalities – like uploading photos (hopefully with drag and drop?), fix a couple of horrible bugs, and make it a bit nicer. But all in all, its kind of there…